Saving the family business

A family business was in dire need of assistance. Their bank had told them they were no longer willing to support them – in fact, they were exiting the industry. Our client was taken by complete surprise and frightened they were about to lose everything. These were family assets that had passed through generations. Sure, the business was losing money however they were building significant inventory that needed to “mature”.

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Posted: February 22, 2023Category:

Stepping in to help with the books

Any small business owner knows that bookkeeping is essential to running a successful operation. A client came to us and advised that their current bookkeeper had resigned because the workflow and responsibilities had become too much to handle. Read how we managed the bookkeeping services while supporting the client to find a new partner for this role.

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Posted: December 5, 2022Category:

Executing an estate with a tax-effective result for all

Estate planning is a critical part of wealth planning. It sets out the legally binding conditions of how a person’s wealth – their legacy – will be distributed and used after they die. Learn how we work with family, beneficiaries and the executors of estates to ensure the most tax-effect outcomes.

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Posted: December 5, 2022Category:

Restructuring a partnership for an exit and fresh start

Business partnerships can be effective ways for small businesses to scale and grow. The partnerships can bring new capital, capabilities, resources, and so on. Read how we assisted a client in transitioning to a new company structure to support a new partnership.

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Posted: December 5, 2022Category:

The right advice helps fetch a premium price for a business sale

When it's time to sell, fetching the right price for your business can be the difference between unlocking wealth for the owners or not. Read how we supported a client, looking to sell their business, and achieve a premium return.

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Posted: December 5, 2022Category:

Family matters, enjoying the benefits now

Inheriting family wealth is thought of as something that happens after a person’s death. However, many families choose to transfer wealth to their children while they are still alive. Their reasons could be a desire to help their children financially while they are still young and the ability to see how the inheritance is used. Read how one of our clients connects with us to help their children.

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Posted: November 23, 2022Category: